Friday, February 8, 2013

Be The Revival: And So It Begins...

I don't have a rule for this one.  Just a story.  I think you all need to read this and decide what the Be the Revival Rule should be.

Spoiler Alert:  It should have something to do with God pulling a fast one.

So, finally.  After years of struggling with God and myself, months and months of prayer, and further months of procrastination/preparation (Brenda and I could TOTALLY coin our own term of "prepastination"...we are horrible), the adventure truly begins!

Brenda, who was hosting the Bible Study because I am the lamest most miserable host ever, was apprehensive about actually sharing the gospel or speaking.


SO.  I came up with a brilliant plan.

Over 6 weeks, we would study John MacArthur's "12 Extraordinary Women", covering the 6 women that I felt best pointed people to Jesus and the gospel.

Week 5, I'd lay out the plan of salvation. I figured, by that time, I was not throwing my beliefs in anyone's face.  They had come for 5 straight weeks...they were interested.

That gave us Week 6 to follow up.

I was so smart and capable.  God was so lucky to have me on His team.

Also, with Brenda being more of the hostess....I was to be solely in charge of the teaching time.



I woke up in the middle of the night before the first Bible Study and I was sick as a dog.

Now, I tend to get sick when I am nervous...something I have had to power through during many future Bible Studies....but this was sick like I was on my death bed.

Bible Study started at 10:30am.  At 9am, I gave up hope.

"Brenda!", I said, when I called her, "I'm so sorry!  I am sick.  We need to postpone the Bible Study."

"Don't worry, I'll handle it!", she said.

Oh...that was nice of her to call everyone for me so that I can wallow in my misery.

Two hours later I get a call from Brenda to tell me how Bible Study went!!

She meant she would "handle" the Bible Study!

This was not part of EITHER of our brilliant plans.

And, it just got worse.

Apparently 6-7 ladies showed up.  Yay!!!!  600-700% growth from my last Bible study when no one came:)

One of those ladies was someone we were both super intimidated by. 

Sweet little Brenda went to battle all on her prep time...and did a fantastic job.

Except that this One Lady kept challenging her on every turn.

Somehow...Brenda...who was not supposed to speak and REALLY not supposed to share the gospel...ends up sharing it Week 1.

And, no, 7 women did not miraculously turn their lives over to Jesus that day.

In fact, the One Lady suddenly declares, "Wait a minute!  Is this one of those 'born again' Bible Studies??????  I'm sorry, I am NOT into this."

Poor Brenda.  Poor, poor Brenda.

God had decided to have His own plan.  Isn't that just like Him?

And, wonder of wonders, it was better.

This isn't just MY story...its Brenda's.  And this was her "Moment".

For me it was "NO ONE CAME!"


God also used this time to change my approach.  You see, the One Lady did come back!  So did all the other ladies.  I feel like, as Christians, we spend so much time worrying about offending people.  Brenda and I went back and forth for weeks over if we should make this study "seeker sensitive" or just come out with what we wanted to tell them.  Meanwhile, God was chuckling at His two little girls and our plans.  I imagine Him rolling His eyes and saying, "Here, let me make this decision easier for you..."

I actually start off with the gospel now.  Or at least a "I'm not trying to trick goal for you in the next six weeks is to walk in a deeper, closer walk with Jesus.  To some that may mean deepening your current relationship with Him, for some that may mean understanding for the first time that His death on the cross bought your freedom, if you will only believe..." something like that.

It showed me that no one wants to be manipulated.  It showed me that I can't see past the nose on my face, let alone six weeks into the future.  Each week, we approach the lesson with the passion and intensity of Week Five, because who knows if those same people will be there by Week Five.

It also taught us to lighten up.

Once you get going on adventures with God and things like this happen, you have to just laugh.

Ultimately, God was probably trying to remind us that this is HIS Bible Study.  We show up week after week and are astounded at what He has planned.

God had no intention of Week One being silly ice-breakers and light conversation to ease us into it.  It didn't MATTER what we thought.  Now, I debate less as I prepare, and pray and ask God's advice much more.  I always do the prep work, but 9 times out of 10 I leave Brenda's house blown away by the direction God chose to take the study once we got there.  I fret...because I am a fretter...but there is also a strong reassurance that God has got this every time I knock on Brenda's door to begin a new lesson.

Weeks 2-6, God humbled me and taught me even more that I was not the instigator of this Bible Study.  I was simply riding a wave that He set in motion.  But more on that later.  I'm to the point where I need to track down ladies and get their permission before I share their stories with you.

For now...what's the lesson?  You may not feel called to start a Bible Study, but you ARE called to Be The Revival.   What "Rule" can you apply to your own life based on Brenda's Moment?

God will not prompt you to action without also preparing your way.  You don't have to have all the answers or a  brilliant plan.  You just need to be willing!   I would never challenge you to get out there and be great!  Brenda did not feel "great".  In fact, the entire goal of this series is to show you how NOT GREAT we are.  But I do challenge you to get out there and be willing to let God use you however the heck He sees fit.

Oh that the new Rule?

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