Monday, December 17, 2012

Be The Revival

Tragedy struck on Friday.

There is no point in asking why.  At no point will we say, "Ohhhhh, THAT'S why that guy murdered 20 sweet babies and several of their caretakers!"

But I want to tell you a couple things.  In my Bible Study, I try to give one encouragement and one challenge.  I think we should start with the encouragement, don't you?  We all need it.

God is "Jehova Rapha"...God Our Healer.  

“If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you.” - Exodus 15:26

Some names of God are ones that were assigned to Him by people who experienced Him in a unique way.  This one, He gave Himself.  He wanted us to know that He is the Healer, whether we'd experienced it yet or not.

Trust me, my dear friends.  You are currently being healed.  The minute the horrific tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary struck, God began the healing process.  

You do not feel it, you cannot see it.  You probably don't think it will ever happen for you, let alone for those poor parents of those children.

But, God is in the business of healing.  One definition of "Jehova Rapha" is that He Restores Us.  If God can do the impossible and restore a fallen race of man to their Holy Heavenly Father, He can heal you from the senseless evil in the world.  Our hearts may have a scar, but we will heal.

I won't go on.  You need to grieve and be sad.  But, please, if it helps at all...know that even as you grieve you are currently being healed.  The only thing that would stand in the way is your own anger toward God.  Let Him heal.  And be patient.

God is Emmanuel....God With Us.

I hate to do this to you.  But I have a challenge.  The name Emmanuel was given in a prophecy regarding Christ's birth.  "God"..."with us"...was an incredible concept to the Israelites, who had to contain God (in a sense) in the Holy of Holies for fear of being struck dead at the sight of Him.

There is alot of public outrage against our schools for the "lack of God in our schools".  I get it.  Trust me.  I fight it on a daily basis.  My kids don't want to pray or share their faith because they think they are not allowed to do it.  My husband and I are constantly working to correct that notion.

Right the wake of grotesque not the time for Christian Indignance.  Its time for Christian Compassion.  Write your school administrators and teachers and let them know you are praying for them.  They are having a tough tough time.  Most are good people.  

But the real challenge is this.    If God is "With Us", then He is in our schools.  If we are going to assign blame by saying that there is no God in our schools, then we need to shoulder some of that responsibility for not letting God show THROUGH US in our schools.  

If you are a Believer and have set foot in a public school...God is in that school.

I am NOT trying to assign blame.  Again, we will never know why this happened.  But instead of defaming good people who are also grieving, and throwing our hands up as if helpless to ever see God in our schools again, lets do something!

Take this tragedy and do NOT let evil have the last word.  Set foot in your kids' schools and let God show!

I am having a hard time abiding this notion that "God is not allowed in our schools".  What?!?  When, in the history of mankind, has the Supreme Ruler of the Universe ever cowed in fear at the Laws of Man?  Do you think there is a piece of legislation anywhere that will keep God from advancing His Kingdom?  If this notion were valid, the Middle East would not enjoy the many many conversions to Christ that it is currently experiencing.  China would not have an ever-expanding labyrinth of underground churches.  Christendom, as a movement, would have died before it even began.   The traditional seat of Christianity is in the time of Paul's imprisonment in Rome, Christianity was spreading like wildfire in a completely Pagan city that used Believers as Gladiator-bate. 

Do laws expand God's Kingdom?  No.  People do.  HIS people.  

Christians, I love you, but wake up.  You are living in a dream world if you think prayer is going to be established in school again.  You are refusing to acknowledge major portions of Scripture if you think the world is somehow going to become easier for followers of Christ.  

I want all the things you want.  But, lets face it, establishing some sort of public prayer in school just means that a bunch of people will spit out a prayer without any personal relationship with Jesus.  Our seemingly lofty aspiration is really a temporary, earthly one.  Its relying on the government to "fix things" by legislating morality.  Its lazy.  Its beneath...way beneath...God's calling for our lives to "shine like stars in the a crooked and deperaved generation" (paraphrase of Phillipians 2:15)

WE...our message...the hope we hide in our heart where no one can see it...can turn the tide in this nation!  But who is willing to make a stand?  And, no, I don't mean the kind of stand where you picket with angry signs in front of a courthouse.  This kind of stand...

"For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God for the salvation of souls." Romans 1:16

Its time to stop hoping for Revival.  Its time to go past praying for Revival.

Its time to BE the Revival.

How?  Hm...sounds like a Yankee Peach series to me...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Pillar of Fire

I think, sometimes, we use God like a flashlight.

The flashlights in our house are always there...somewhere. 

Its comforting...when I think about them.

In fact, I don't normally think about my flashlights on a daily basis.

No, its not until an emergency.  The electricity shuts off in a storm...always at night, somehow...and my husband and I suddenly run around, looking for those darned flashlights.

"Where are they?"

"I think I keep them in the laundry room!"

"Wait...didn't we see the kids using them a couple months ago???"

Suddenly, in urgent confusing scary moments.  We all reach out for the flashlight.

God is not a flashlight.  He is a Pillar of Fire.

I've gotten a little lost lately.  A little too wrapped up in my life  Very satisfied in doing things for the Lord instead of being with the Lord.

It happens, but this time its been confusing...somewhat urgent...and very scary.  I reached out and wondered why I wasn't immediately safe.  But, the Pillar of Fire was there.

What on earth am I talking about?  Its in Exodus 13: 21, 22:

" By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people."

This happened between the famous Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt and the even more famous crossing of the Red Sea.  In between the amazing acts of God in our lives, there is always waiting.  Always a little hesitancy about what on earth God has in mind.  

We lack...and desperately want...direction.

What an amazing thing!  I want to see it.  An entire nation of people, guided by what must've been a gigantic pillar of cloud or of fire!  And knowing that it was God.  He was "here".  Don't you want to see God "here" every step of the way?  This story keeps coming to mind as I wonder, each day, what on earth God is doing in my life right now.  Here is what I am learning.

1.  God Goes Before Us

This is my new favorite thought.  The Sovereign God of the Universe.  Infinitely Holy.  Completely Good.  Terribly Awesome. Goes.  Before.  You.

The people of Israel followed that Pillar around through the wilderness without a clue what God had planned or where they were really going.  They had a promise of a new land.  And the pillar.  Each day they awoke, and if the pillar stayed put, they stayed put.  If the pillar moved, they moved.  It might move at night...they moved at night.  It might move for three they moved for 3 days.  

But they knew that, if it moved, God had a place in mind.  A plan just around the corner.  A new camp...with everything they would need...being prepared when the Great Pillar finally rested.  

It may seem like such an unstable life, but right now...with my life in a topsy turvy spiral to nowhere...I can't think of anything more stable than total, complete reliance on the Lord. 

I wake up now with no plan, because the plan I might need to make brings me such stress and confusion.  Instead, I wake up and cry, "I cannot do this on my own.  I invite you in today, God.  I don't plead for direction, only complete satisfaction in Your constant Presence.  When its time to move.  Move me."

2.  God Wants Surrender

God as a Pillar of Fire has taught me something else.  Before I can do great things.  Before I can win souls.  Before I can write songs.  There is only God.  And there is only my complete and utter surrender of my life and will to Him.  I've never really done that before.  Conceptually, yes.  At my moment of salvation, absolutely.  But really...REALLY...give every step to Him?  That's new.  That Pillar taught the People of Israel...who had been enslaved for hundreds of years in a foreign land and who were just now getting reaquainted with this Jehovah fellow...their first lesson in a relationship with God.  Dependence.  Sarah Young, in her book "Jesus Calling" uses an opposite metaphor of a fog and says this:

"As you the path ahead, you notice that a peaceful fog has settled over it, obscuring your view.  You can see only a few steps in front of you, so you turn your attention more fully to Me and begin to enjoy My presence.  The fog is a protection for you, calling you back into the present moment.  Although I inhabit all of space and time, you can communicate with Me only here and now.  Someday the fog will no longer be necessary, for you will have learned to keep your focus on Me and on the path just ahead of you."

3.  Our Pillar of Fire Fights For Us

In Exodus 14, we witness the historic and miraculous crossing of the Red Sea.  The Egyptians were closing in fast.  The terrifying warriors of Pharaoh, with their chariots, horses and weapons struck fear into teh hearts of Israel.  God, as we know, plans an impressive escape route.  But, I have never noticed the event that takes place immediately before this.  The Red Sea manages to over-shadow the Pillar of Fire coming to the aid of God's Children:

"Then the angel of God, who had been traveling in front of Israel’s army, withdrew and went behind them. The pillar of cloud also moved from in front and stood behind them, coming between the armies of Egypt and Israel. Throughout the night the cloud brought darkness to the one side and light to the other side; so neither went near the other all night long."

In their most terrifying moment, the Israelite's Pillar charged toward their enemy and protected them.  Our Pillar of Fire does not just go before us.  He has our back.

I had to pause a moment.  That thought gives me such a sense of gratitude and safety, it is overwhelming.  More so when you realize what Moses had just said to the people as they cried out in utter panic:

 “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Think about that.

"The LORD will fight for you;  you need only"

Go, be with God today.  Enjoy the company of our Pillar of Fire as He guides, comforts, and protects.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pioneer Lady

I have a lady in my head. 

I don't know what else to call her.  She's not an alter ego.  She's not a make-believe friend. 

She's a symbol.

She is a standard, a compass, a perfect example of what a woman should be like.

Most Christians have the Proverbs 31 Woman.

I have Pioneer Lady.

This lady does not take crap from anyone.  Actually, this lady might be a dude...huh...

She fulfills many roles within my psyche.

1.  She eradicates "Mommy Guilt"

It started when my kids were young.  I felt SO BAD if I needed to stick them in a bouncy seat or shove them in front of the TV so that I could get housework done or work on a project.  I carried the guilt around with me daily, and then the guilt started accruing.  One day, as my children were shooed out of the kitchen so that I could mop, it occurred to me:

"You know what?  In Pioneer Days, moms didn't sit around staring at their kids all day telling them how loved and hilarious they were!  They worked ALL DAY!"

And thus, Pioneer Lady was born.

Pioneer Lady didn't just make breakfast, she got up 3 hours before breakfast to bake the bread, collect the eggs and slaughter the pig for bacon.

Pioneer Lady didn't just Swiffer her floors.  Oh no, she tied an infant to her back, told the other children to go feed the cows, then scrubbed every inch of her floor with a bristle brush and that kind of soap that eats through leather.

Pioneer Lady didn't have circle time with her kids.  Pioneer Lady was out chopping wood in the driving snow.

Pioneer Lady didn't give a crap if her daughter knew 4 languages by the age of 4 like her Neighbor Pioneer Lady's kid did, she had to churn the milk for four hours to butter the bread that she had made at 3am that day.

(In my head, I think Pioneer Lady has become like the famed Honey Badger of Youtube)

Pioneer Lady don't give a crap!

2.  She makes me slow down

As my children lay their sweet heads on their pillows, in full confidence that their mother has struck the perfect balance between household duties and the nurturing of my brood, I take a moment to breath a sigh of relief.

Then...I want to start all the projects I couldn't get to during the day!

Must reorganize the computer area!

Must leave my husband with the sleeping brood and go grocery shopping!

But, wait, there's Pioneer Lady again!

Pioneer Lady stops work when there is no more light.

Pioneer Lady sits in a rocker and darns socks while listening to the fire crackle.

Pioneer Lady and Pioneer Man have nothing better to do, so they do a little Pioneer Snuggling.

Ew.  But still...its a fair point. 

Pioneer Lady makes me stop.  Kids are in bed.  Its now my time.

3.  She lets me eat bacon

I start thinking I'm fat.  I need a new diet.  I need to work out.  But...

Pioneer Woman didn't sit on the treadmill for 30 minutes and eat kale smoothies.

Pioneer Lady ate eggs and bacon.

Pioneer Lady made real butter, none of this "Margarine in a spray can" type junk.

Pioneer Lady then went and shoveled snow for 12 hours so that she could get to the barn and sheer the sheep....or whatever...I am not saying I am a total expert on Pioneer Lady's life...

So, why don't I get out there and garden instead?  Why not walk the kids up to the park instead of driving them?  Pioneer Lady didn't drive!

I think about Pioneer Lady every day.  She might be Laura Ingall's mom, I'm not sure.

Am I crazy?  Oh yes, definitely.  But, hey, it makes me feel better as a mom!  And, if you think about it, it could be worse!  I could have "Victorian Lady Who Gets the Vapors at the Opera" in my head.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Fashion Show!

I have a weakness for clothing.  Like, its another form of Lady Porn for me.  Like, I literally get on the internet when no one else is looking and stare at pictures.


Until now!  Because its almost time for the Emmys and my addiction suddenly becomes relevant.

SO.  I have compiled some trends that I am hoping to see on the Red Carpet this year.

First of all, this is what I am wearing to pick up my Best Supporting Actress award:

Zac Posen, my fave
 Or maybe this:
Ellie Saab - Understated but different

Next, last year was SO BORING.  I want to do away with nudes and go for color.  Like these:

J. Mendel...I love burgandy

J. Mendel...Beautiful jewel tone

Or maybe something brave like this:

Caroline Herrera

Or some interesting silhouettes to break up the normal flowing stuff.  I'm digging the 1950s/ "How to Marry a Millionaire" vibe of these dresses:



Oscar de la Renta

Oscar de la Renta this!

But if you HAVE to do black, make it interesting for Pete's sake:

Armani Prive

Armani.  Maybe skip the diamond beard thing

Ralph Lauren
Or, go for some interesting details to set you apart and to not earn the wrath of Yankee Peach:

Caroline Herrera

Elie Saab

Jason Wu these ladies

Marchesa...looks like they went to India last year

Marchesa...minus the sparkly leggings

Mathew Williamson

Zac Posen

Just don't, for the sake of making a scene do this color: looks cheap

 Now, I just wait and see if some of my fashion fantasies come true on the Emmy Red Carpet!

Edit:  EEEEEP!  I forgot to add my new favorite dress!

 It has a BUSTLE!  Are you kidding me?  Awesome.  Very Gothic/Victorian and interesting.

Okay...for real...I'm done...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

On Politics

Four years ago, I watched the Republican debate.   There were a frazillion candidates, all flinging accusations and touting their own strengths.

The usual.

Suddenly, though, everything changed.

In one beautiful moment, the candidates came together in one harmonious response to a situation.  It was transcendent.  It was an Election Year Miracle. 

Did a 3-legged puppy suddenly hop onto the stage?


But close.

Ron Paul opened his mouth to speak.

It was incredible!  Suddenly all the candidates were locking eyes and little smiles twitched on their faces.  As if they were all in on the joke.

"Ohhhh, Ron Paul," they all said in their minds, "Its so adorable when you do your crusty old man routine and call us all morons."

I'm not here to support Ron Paul.

I AM here to say that politics just aren't what they used to be.

With TV, suddenly who you chose as your Public Relations advisor and your Image Consultant became more important than your Vice President!

All the money-ed candidates...the ones who actually win...have smoothed out all the wrinkles.

They role up their shirt sleeves because polls show it makes them more "reachable".

They mention carpentry in an off-handed way so that you are reminded of Jesus.

They are poised.  They are confident.  They also haven't spoken words that someone else did not write for them in over 4 years.

You know why I like Ron Paul?  He harkens back to a simpler time.

A time when, if you didn't like what a fellow politician was saying, you walked across the aisle and beat him half to death with your cane.

Now that's what I call a rebuttal...
Where has the rage gone?

In a world of All Natural and Organic our candidates are hyper-processed, enriched and loaded with ingredients that seem palatable but will eventually give us indigestion.

So, my fellow Americans, in closing, I want to say that I believe we should have less baby-kissing,  more violence, and more use of old-timey men's accessories as weapons.

Good night.  And God Bless America.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My 9/11 Story

Its weird.  For the first several years after 9/11, I didn't think much of it.  We'd all been through something horrific, but the best thing I could do was move on.

Then, in 2005, I watched the movie "Pearl Harbor".  I was alone and it was during the day.  The scene when the planes start attacking...the scene where a woman is putting clothes out on a clothesline on a gorgeous summer day, when suddenly a plane flies over head...

Well, something snapped.

It so perfectly captured the shock of that day.  I am emotional but try very hard not to be over-dramatic.  Yet, I found myself huddled in my closet, sobbing, and praying that God would get Bin Ladin.

9/11 is a mixed bag of emotions for me.  I was there.  But I wasn't in New York. I was in D.C.. But I wasn't IN the Pentagon.  But I was close by.  I was horrified, but not as horrified as the acquaintances and friends who had to recover the bodies.

I don't want this day to define me, but I am someone that needs to experience emotions in order to release them.

I want people who weren't there, or who may be too young, to know what it was like, but I feel like my experience was so periferal.

Do you see my quandary?

I wasn't going to write on this today because I had done it last year.  Then, I looked back and realized that I hadn't started blogging until 9/15.


Here we go.  I'll never do this again, so enjoy.

9/11 in the D.C. Metro Area was a beautiful day.  Sunny, clear skies, maybe 78 degrees.  I was feeling really good that day.  I'd just moved into an apartment on Army Navy Drive just a stone's throw (or, an unathletic girl's jog) from the Pentagon.  It was called Army Navy Drive because our street emptied onto the Army/Navy sides of the Pentagon.  My roomates and I felt so cool.

It was the perfect apartment, because it only took me about 5 minutes to get to work on Columbia Pike, which is a main artery into the Pentagon.  The Pentagon, my home, and my work formed a lovely little triangle.

To live and work so close to the heart of America's power...lucky me!

I got to work and turned on the radio.  I was annoyed.  The DJs were going on and on about some plane hitting a building so I turned it off and made some calls.  I then went to the break room to make some oatmeal.  Our break room had floor-to-ceiling walls facing the Pentagon, which was nestled down a hill from us.  We could just seen a thin line of the rooftop, as if it was hiding from us.

The news was on in the break room.  People were talking casually as Matt Lauer and his airplane expert tried to make sense of this huge airplane that had hit the World Trade Center.  

That moment.

When time stood still and it was as if America beat with one heart.

When we all watched the second plane hit.

Everything changed.

Such collective terror.

And then, terror upon terror for us in our little break room when someone yelled, "Oh my gosh! The Pentagon is on fire!"

We turned around, and there was a black column of smoke, it seemed to be a quarter mile wide, billowing up into the atmosphere.  I shudder when I realize that, if our eyes had not been glued to the TV opposite the windows...we would've actually seen the plane hit. 

Our building then shook.  And, with that shake, everyone woke up.  People started running around, grabbing coats and purses, muttering "I'm outta here." to their bosses and just leaving.  I guess, when the plane hit, it did not explode on impact.  Our building shook with the explosion several minutes later.

My boss wasn't going to let me leave, but I insisted.

I have to be honest...I was scared...and I knew that, unlike most people at my work, I was driving closer to the Pentagon to reach home...but somewhere in the back of my psyche, I knew this was my chance to live history.  It wasn't my first thought, like a young reporter eager to get the scoop, it was an impression that I didn't recognize until later.

Out I go...into a new and terrifying world.  The streets were jammed with cars.  People are running, helter skelter.

Rumors flying that "they"...whoever the heck "they" were...had hit the State Building and the Capitol...which is where my roomates worked.

I worried for my uncle who works for DTRA and was often in meetings at the Pentagon.

Cell phones were dead.  Phone lines were tied up.  I can't remember, now, if it was from heavy use or if the gov't cut all signal.

I got to my apartments, but it was not safe.

Please one knew what was happening.  No one knew that they'd "only" hit 3 targets, and that was it.  All we knew was that there was smoke and ash and the smell of char and that America was under attack.

Air Force jets were flying very low over our apartments.  This sent us into another terror.  If you've ever heard a jet fly overheard (which was a common event in D.C.), it is already an overwhelming sound.  But now, planes were weapons.

I was 22 years old.  I didn't know where to go.  Its a strange thing...experiencing and observing at the same time.  I felt as if I was in a movie. People are running around screaming, planes are booming over head, and always that black column of smoke.  I, for some reason, ran to the rental office and asked if there was a tornado shelter or a place to go.  The employees were running to taxis.

They looked at me and said, "I don't know, its not our job now.  We've been told to get out of here, its too dangerous."

And off they went.

I sat in my apartment.  Well, really, I paced in my apartment.  I knew my family was beside themselves in Michigan but could get no word to them.  I honest to goodness thought at least 2 of my roomates were dead.

Pacing was driving me insane.

Then I looked out my window.  Thousands of men and women in suits and military uniform were flooding down Army Navy.  Right past my window.  Like a big morbid parade.

It was hot outside.  And everyone looked shell-shocked.

I grabbed all the snacks and water that I could and ran downstairs.

Going against the current of military personel, I started walking up Army Navy, handing out snacks and water.  I asked why they were all being evacuated this way.

"The government has shut down all highways as a security measure...I have to walk 18 miles home."

Do you know how many people work in the pentagon?  All walking home.

Amazingly, I recognized a man from my church.  I brought him up to my apartment and, miraculously, he was able to get through on my phone to his wife and kids to say he was safe.

Another moment of comfort...seeing residents of Army Navy Drive lining the streets handing out water just like me.  We were all in this together.

Slowly, roomates trickled in.  I can't remember, but I guess they got home through the subway and side roads.

I remember Shawn and Linsday walking in wearing basketball shorts, T-shirts, and their high heels.  They had quite a story.

The adrenaline wore off, and we were just girls trying to deal with our day.  We huddled together and prayed. 

Did you know that the Pentagon, when it was built, was made into a Pentagon shape because, if it had been a high rise, it would've been susceptible to attack?

Did you know that, in the years leading up to 9/11, the Department of Defense had started to re-inforce the Pentagon's structure to make it stronger.

They also decided to make it fire proof.

By 2001, it was incomplete, but the sides hit by the plane were finished.

Did you know that only a relatively small portion of the Pentagon was damaged.  My friend was in  an inner room on the side the plane hit.   The floor rose up and everyone slid down toward the window, but there was no fire.  They got out and evacuated with everyone to the middle of the Pentagon nicknamed, ironically, "Ground Zero".  Shaken, bloody, my friend looked around.  Many employees from the other side of the building had no idea what was going on or why they were evacuated.

Many people died at the Pentagon.  But if God, in His Sovereignty, had not been with the construction of that building, or whispered into the ears of Generals when and where to start the re-inforcing of the Pentagon, the flames would've torn through that building.  It would've been a World Trade Center.

Did you know that the Pentagon smoldered for weeks? My roomates and I would sometimes walk or drive to the hill beyond our home just to watch.  There was always a group of people there.

I had to drive by it every day on my way to my new job...much further away from the city.  I saw the huge iconic flag being placed over the side and the entire re-building process.

My roomates and I were zombies the evening of the attack.  9/12 was almost worse than 9/11.  You get up and you must go to work.  You must choose clothes.  You must talk to people.  I hated that day.

After about a week of doing nothing but watching the news, we woke up.  We truly did move on.  I still shed a little tear every morning as I drove past the Pentagon, but my soul recovered.

I met my husband just a week or two later.  We are one of those cheesy "Post-9/11" couples.  The events shook my husband up and realized he needed to get serious and find meaningful relationships.

Some things still make me cry.  When I think of the principal of my brother's high school calling him out of class, and my brother crying as the man told him I was safe...I cry.

When I think of the ladies from my home church in Michigan, on vacation at a lake house, stopping to get on their knees and pray for me, I cry.

Its the love that makes me cry...not the evil.

I don't hate this day.  I just don't know what to do with it.  I didn't escape from the Pentagon as the flames licked at my heels.  But I helped a man tell his kids he was okay.  No one I knew died.  But I thought they had for several hours.  I was never in any real danger.  But that's the jerky thing about Terror.  Its the unknown.  Its why this isn't just my story.  Its the people who were at Disney World that day, wondering if they were a target.  The folks in Detroit realizing that the car industry was an American symbol.  Its the story of those poor people in Pennsylvania who I don't feel get nearly enough air time.  Its all of us, thinking our soil and that great fortress we call the Pentagon were impenetrable.

I don't hate this day.  And, if I was going to live through 9/11, I am well aware that, as small as my piece of the puzzle may be, at least I got to be there.  Is that sick?  That I feel honored to have been there?  I'm not happy I was there...but very honored.

Now I really do want to move on.  I want to, next year, be in a grocery store and think, "Huh.  Its the 14th today!  I didn't even realize 9/11 came and went!"

That would be victory.

Monday, September 10, 2012

"Ah-weema-wap, Ahweema-wap"

Went to a Worship Conference last week. 

I did it because I am serious about my craft.  You could tell because I wore a big baggy scarf draped every-so-effortlessly around my neck even though it was 90 degrees outside.

It was my signal to the others at the conference that I am artsy, just like them.  Even if I can't play an instrument, can barely write a song, and do NOT own horn-rimmed glasses.

So, I come home from this conference and pour my heart into my musical offering to the Lord yesterday. 

Feeling renewed and regenerated, I take my seat with my husband for the message.

We are starting a series on the book of Ruth.

The second verse mentions Ruth's father-in-law, Elimelech. 

Out of nowhere,  NOWHERE, I tell you, I start singing in my head to the tune of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"

Elimelech, Elimelech, Elimelech, Elimelech, Elimelech, Elimelech, Elimelech, Elimelech.

It fades into

Hush, my darling.  Be still my darling.  For Boaz sleeps tonight. (hey, hey)
Hush, my darling, Be still my darling, For Boaz sleeps tonight. (hey, hey)

It is then layered with that high dude's part:


In the middle of wracking my brain for a biblical reference to use for the super high girl's part, my sane self breaks up the party.


On earth

Am I doing!

This is my "art".  My true medium.  Entertaining myself.  Or, as has been pointed out to me in the past, being "easily amused." 

Mind you, I looked perfectly normal on the outside, in my nice dress, heals, perfectly (if I do say so myself) done hair. 

I leaned over and sang my song to my husband.

He was not so easily amused.

But, then again, he is SO analytical.  Also, he doesn't even OWN a flouncy scarf.

Psh, what does he know...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Magical Journey, What to pack

Now that you have figured out when to go, where to stay, where to eat, and have researched the parks (or, in this blog's case, Magic Kingdom), you are finally ready to pack!

I won't go into what to pack in your suitcase.  We're all grown ups here and know how to pack for ourselves and our kids.

Just....please...lay fashion aside for a week and wear your tennis shoes.  Its ALOT of walking.

Let me tell you what to bring into the park if you have small kids.

My children are 6 and 5.  If you have younger kids, obviously, stick in some formula, diapers, wipes, baby food...whatever.

But, this is what Yankee Peach is packing in the backpack that will go into the parks with us every day...

Let me explain in list form (my favorite):

1.  Large plastic bag

You will need this in case of an accident.

2.  Extra pair of undies, socks and shorts for each child.

My poor 4 year old daughter went an entire week without messing up.  Then, at 11:55pm, with 5 minutes left until closing, she peed RIGHT before getting on the carousel.  Just all over the place.  My husband panicked, but I simply pulled her into a bathroom, changed her into the clothes I had, shoved the nasty things in the plastic bag, and we still had time to squeak in a carousel ride.

3.  Ponchos!!!!!!!!!!

PLEASE!!!  Remember...Florida...sub-tropical.  I bought 11 of these for .89 each at Walmart because they rip easy.  But its better than be gouged in the park for the Disney Ponchos in the middle of a 10 minute downpour.  I bring 5 into the park, per my sister's advice.  One for each family member AND one for your stroller or that sopping went bench that you try to sit on later in the day.

4.  Sunscreen

Sunburn and the Happiest Place on Earth do not go together.

5.  Band-aids and Wipes

My daughter bit the dust one year and was bleeding profusely.  Being lame, I had nothing to clean it with and had not brought band-aids.  Other moms had to run to my rescue.  Never again!

6.  Snacks

True, we get snacks with our dining plan, but you just never know when your kids will get cranky or you feel your blood sugar taking a dive.  We always do the individual trail mix packets and Goldfish.  I used to do little chocolate chip cookies, but they melted.

7.  Camera and Phones

Not pictured, but self-explanatory

That's it!  Maybe bring your touring plans and some swimsuits if you want the kids to be able to splash around in some of the water fountains that they have in Magic Kindom and Epcot.  We purchase water in the park.  Water bottles are heavy to lug around and, to be honest, the water in Disney is NASTY.  It tastes like lukewarm swamp water.  So we do splurge on buying water bottles in the park.

My brain always gets frazzled trying to pack our suitcases for our trip AND pack the stuff I'll want in the park.  I have to re-remember where I shoved it all at 7am of our first day in the park.  I always forget something.

THIS year, I've already packed all my stuff!

I'll just stick it in my suitcase, then pull it out when its time to pack for Magic Kingdom.  I'm so smart.

If any of you seasoned Disney Veterans have other packing tips, let me know!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Magical Journey, MAGIC KINGDOM!!!

Okay, I may not get to everything before our trip because I desperately want to tell you how to pack for Disney eventually, BUT I HAVE to tell you about Magic Kingdom.  I. Love. Magic. Kingdom.  Sometimes, in the middle of any given day, I will stop what I am doing, sigh, and think, "I wish I was on Main Street right now..."  Yeah.  I'm in love.  But there's alot to know about Magic Kingdom so...

Consider this your Magic Kingdom Primer

1.  Getting There

If you've never been before, its important to plan ahead.  You cannot drive in your car or shuttle and be dropped off on Main Street.  Oh no...Disney plays hard to get with its most magical of all magical places on the planet.  You first, if you are driving, must park your car in their expansive parking lot.  You then, unless you get there early, must take a little shuttle that drops you off at the Monorail.

Most get on the Monorail.  If the line is long, take the Ferry.  Its a lesser known and used method of getting to Magic Kingdom and the kids love it.

Once off the Monorail/Ferry, you must get through security..."Security" being a kindly retired cop who probably paid his dues bustin' perps for 35 years in the ghetto of Detroit, who glances in your purse and tells your daughter that she looks like Cinderella.

THEN!  You may enter the Magical of Magicals.

2.  The Set Up

Disney has several "Lands", with Main Street being the sole artery into the place.  A helpful tip from my sister...don't wait forever to get your picture taken on Main Street by a Photo Pass guy.  If you walk down Main Street and veer right toward Tomorrow Land, there will be a photographer, bored to tears, standing near a rose garden.  The picture turns out tons better and you never had to wait.

Here's a map:

3.  The Rides

If you have small children, this section is very important.  Disney specializes in what they call Dark Rides.  These are indoor rides that are typically "dark" so that they can spotlight their stunning anamotronic characters.  Most of the Dark Rides are in Fantasyland and are for young kids.  They are super safe.  I once nursed my 8 week old daughter on Peter Pan.

However, the order in which you do the Dark Rides is key for a newby.  Do NOT start with Pirates of the Carribean.  Your child might be so terrified that they refuse to ride anything else.  Even the Pooh ride is a little intense.

Try this:  Its a Small World, then Peter Pan, then Winnie the Pooh., Splash Mountain, then MAYBE Haunted Mansion and Pirates. If they are good with that, then its just up to you as a parent what else they see.   In Janurary (hopefully) they will debut their newest Dark Ride, "Ariel's Undersea Adventure".  I can't wait.

4.  The Story

Something you need to know to appreciate Magic Kingdom, is that Walt Disney is all about The Story.  As you enter the tunnel that leads to Main Street, there are fake movie posters on the walls.  He meant these to remind you of movie previews.

Next, you'll notice in the top windows of the Main Street shops that there are names listed.  These are the original Disney guys.  Its supposed to be like the opening credits.

Main Street guides you through the beginning of the story...of YOUR story...the different lands are simply vehicles for the adventure that you and your family create.

Beautiful.  However, this does make things a little tricky for small kids.  You see, each ride is not just a ride unto itself.  It adheres to the rich Disney tradition of story telling.  There is the set up, there's meeting the characters, but then there is always some friction...something tense happens.  The Pooh ride has a thunderstorm/bad dream, for instance.  Splash Mountain has a scary cave where Brair Rabit looks like he will meet certain demise.  But they always end with a happy song and everyone living happily ever after.

Just keep that in mind with your little ones.  I suggest getting on youtube and letting the kids "tour" a ride online so that they are used to the dark rides and robots (anamatronics) within the ride.

5.  Mickey Punches In

One of our favorite things to do is to go to Magic Kingdom our first full day at Disney.  If the park opens at 9am, get there at 8:30am.  You will be rewarded.  The Mayor of Main Street comes out and welcomes you from on high at the Disney Railway Depot as you wait in anticipation below.  A bunch of singers come out and sing/dance.  Then, the anticipation builds.  In the distance, you'll see smoke.  You realize its the train!  Into the station it rolls with Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, and several princesses all ready to go to work.

No joke, my husband cried a little.  Its SO exciting and the kids love it!  Under a spray of confetti and streamers, the Mayor declares the park officially open, and in you walk to virtually no crowds at all.

6.  Tips and Tricks

Which leads me to my next section.  Here's what to do and not do in MK.

  • Get there early!  You'll have the park to yourselves for about 2 hours.
  • As you enter, to your left is a souvenir cart.  As the cast member for the day's schedule of events.  Its very useful.  
  • Enjoy the ambience, soak in the atmosphere of Main Street, then make a bee line to Fantasyland
  • Ride the crap out of Dumbo, Its a Small World, Peter Pan, and Winnie the Pooh before the lines form.
  • Head to the Buzz Lightyear Ride before the lines form.
  • If you have older kids, book it to Splash Mountain or Space Mountain
  • Skip Tiki Birds, its so dumb.  My Dad is shedding a tear somewhere, because this is his favorite. 
  • Skip Tom Sawyer's island. You get herded on to a raft that is standing room only, you wait 10 minutes for it to fill up, you put-put across to the island that is really not that big of a deal, then you repeat the herding process and wallow in your disappointment that you just wasted an hour at a glorified park.  Again.  Personal opinion
  • Do Astro Orbiter at worth it.
  • Need a nap?  Take the kids on the super lame People Mover in Tomorrowland.  Its dark, slow, and sometimes you can make eye contact with the attendant and they will let you take a couple circuits around if there isn't a big line.
  • Eat a Mickey Premium Bar.
  • The famous Dole Whip is over-rated.
  • Its about $15/day to rent a stroller.  Our children are almost 7 and 5 and we still take strollers with us.  Those little legs do ALOT of walking!  Tie something to the top of your stroller, because castmembers sometimes move strollers to make room.  We found ours about 2 rides down the way once!
  • If you do Bibbidy Bobbidy Boutique, take your child to the bathroom first!!!  They do not have one there and you end up hoofing it across Fanstasyland while praying they don't call your kid's name in the Boutique during your long me.
  • WEAR TENNIS SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
  • Bring ponchos.  .89 at Walmart.  Its a sub-tropical climate and pop up rain storms come and go.  We've only had to break them out once, but boy am I glad we had them!  That's a tip from my sister, who practically lives at Disney. 
I hope this lengthy post helps you!  I also highly recommend Unofficial Guide to Disney 2012 (or 2013 which usually comes out in August).  It has great tips and lots of touring plans to beat the crowds.

As always, have a magical day and let me know if you have questions!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Magical Journey, Part 3 "Top 10 Restaurants"

Ohhhh, the restaurants of Disney.  If you are a food snob, you will not necessarily have your palate tickled.  But, if you are a kid inside, your imagination will love Disney Dining.

I could wax eloquent, but lets get to the list.

Okay, I LIED.  Couple of things first.

Practically speaking, please call Disney...their website search engine is not very sophisticated.  I DID score Cinderella's Royal Table on a random search, but I also called (407) WDW-DINE and found out that there were a couple different options that weren't showing up online.  Also, the kindly, fairy godmother-like lady on the other end coaxed me into which time slot was better since I have small kids.  You don't get that on a website.

Also, as SOON as you book your package, start planning your meals.  Do some research.  There are tons of great food offerings with clever and entertaining themes.

Now.  The good stuff.

Yankee Peach 's Top 10 Disney Restaurants

1.  Sanaa 

Located in Animal Kingdom Villas (aka Kidani House), it was our 5th choice after everything was booked.  The operator said, "Well, you could try this new place..."  It ended up being our most favorite of all time.  It opens at the 5pm slot.  Perfect for your Animal Kingdom day, since that park closes around 5 anyway.

In Disney, you typically have to choose between great food and great experience.  Sanaa gets both right.  The food is to die for and is VERY gluten free friendly.  Their chai mousse changed my life.

See those windows?  There are now tables at each one...with zebras!
Experience wise, if you book early, you get a table in an alcove that has floor length windows right on to Animal Kingdom Lodge's savannah.  Its a cool, dark, quiet atmosphere after a hot sticky day in the park.  Our kids loved watching the zebras and giraffes graze right in front of us.  And, once our food came, a gnu stared at us intently as if to say, "You gonna eat that?"

Sanaa is a 1 sit-down meal credit with the Dining Plan.

2.  Cosmic Ray's

We are groupies of this guy!
Located in Tomorrowland in Magic Kingdom, Ray's is a quick service place.  It has several stations that serve different styles of food.   There is a Deli/Salad station, a Burger station, and a Barbecue place with some fairly good ribs for quick-service.  The eating area is great. Sunny Eclipse, an anamatronic alien lounge singer, entertains your tired little children while you eat.  One of our favorite memories is watching our kids dance like maniacs to Sunny's alien vocal stylings. Its on the Dining Plan, but is also very reasonably priced if you don't use the plan.

We literally plan our Magic Kingdom touring day around lunch at Cosmic Ray's.

3. Cinderella's Royal Table

Okay, I've never been.  BUT, you have to go if you can.  The room is small and the demand high, so book early!  Be persistent if you don't get in right away.  We finally got in after trying for 30 days and will be there next week!

You have to go because, as a child, you and I beheld Cinderella's Castle in all its glory and mystery but could do nothing but pass through its arches to the other side of the park.  I always peaked around each corner in that tunnel and looked up each set of stairs wondering what was up in that castle.

Now, our kids can walk up the stairs to Cinderella's Table and meet her and some of her friends!  Do it for you...although your kids will love it too!

The food is okay, but this is one time where the experience outweighs the food.  Some of my friends love the fare offered them, but the kids' selections are pretty average when you look at the menu.

CRT will cost you two sit-down meal credits.

4.  Whispering Canyon

You'll find WC in Wilderness Lodge.  The Whoop -De-Doo Review costs 2-sit down credits and has only average food.  Whispering Canyon, on the other hand, is 1 credit and has GREAT barbecue!  PLUS, its alot of fun.  If you get there early and have a cute child with you, the crusty old cowboy that guards the entrance MIGHT let your child ring the triangle to signal the opening of the restaurant...or so I am told ;)

I may have ordered this...without sharing
Whispering Canyon's name is ironic.  Its loud.  Very loud.  But very entertaining.  I won't give away some of the things, but you better watch yourself or you will be jailed if you do not ask for ketchup correctly!  There are also races for the kids, singing, dancing and fabulous service.

Plus, you get to have the jaw-dropping experience of walking in to Wilderness Lodge to get there.  Its a beautiful resort.

5.  Akershus

Located in "Norway" in Epcot, its a great alternative to Cinderella's Table.  Many of my friends prefer it. I wasn't a huge fan of the food, but many rave about it.  You walk in to a room inhabited by whichever princess is "hosting"....usually Belle...and get a picture taken and presented to you in a keepsake folder during your meal.  As you eat, you are greeted at your table by Cinderella, Snow White, Ariel, Sleeping Beauty, Jasmine and, in our case, Pocahontas.  My kids LOVED it.  It stressed me out, hopping between trying to get the kids to eat, getting them out of their boosters to meet a princess, then settled down to eat again until the next princess came, but the kids were delighted.  AND, as my friend Sarah pointed out, it beat waiting in a 20 minute line per princess to meet them throughout the park. And the princesses are truly charming.  Cinderella did not fail to act like she was in love with my son and commented that my blonde, blue-eyed daughter looked JUST like her.

Its also only 1 sit-down credit.

6.  Hacienda de San Angel

In "Mexico" of Epcot, you MUST go into the Mayan temple and experience Disney's true genius in transporting you to another world.  Soak in the ambiance.  Shop the market. Ride the little boat ride.  Then get the heck out of there.  That restaurant in there,  San Angel Inn, is notoriously slow and has been since I was little.

Instead, hop across the street to the inexpensive quick-service Hacienda de San Angel.  The food is to die for.  The red sauce they put over everything is delicious and the portions are huge.  Good place to share food if you are not on the Dining Plan.

7.  Pretzel Cart

Okay, I don't know the name.  BUT there is a pretzel cart in "Germany" that will change your life.  I don't know what they do different, but their big, soft, smushy, buttery pretzels are sent from heaven.  Get one.  True, its not a restaurant, but who am I to judge if you make one of these your lunch?

8.  Liberty Tree Tavern

I should've put this up further in the list.  Liberty Tree, in Liberty Square (Magic Kingdom) is one of the most pleasant dining experiences.  Again, it was a "Well, everything else is booked...lets eat at the boring colonial place."  Boy were we surprised!  After a busy, crazy day, its a great place to catch your breath.  Its themed, but not in the sensory-overload way that Disney tends to celebrate.  And, most importantly, the food was good and came FAST.  Think American comfort food.  Cobb Salad for me and Pot Roast with Mashed Potatoes for my husband.  Normal chicken nuggets for the kids, but was fast!  Much appreciated.

9.  Sunshine Seasons

Epcot has the best food in the 4 Kingdoms.  This quick service place located in The Land has well-made, healthy fare.  Again, it was a gluten free girl's dream.  Quick and yummy.

10.  Coral Reef Restaurant

Looks pretty cool to me!
Again, my host of Disney-loving friends helped me with this one.  Its located in the Nemo pavilion in Epcot.  I have never been, but MANY people gave it rave reviews...many of those friends have sophisticated (for me) palates.  Not only is it good food, but you the restaurant surrounds an aquarium.  As you eat, your kids can enjoy watching sharks and the occasional diver swim by.  And, I am sure, you will hear many shouts of "Look, Mommy, its Nemo!" :)

Notice that I did not put anything on Hollywood Studios or Animal Kingdom on here.  We've never been to Hollywood Studios and I was not super impressed with the food in AK.  However, many of my friends suggested that The Brown Derby and the 1950s Diner in H.S. are great.  We are doing a character meal at Hollywood and Vine next week.  I'll let you know how it goes.

In Animal Kingdom, my friends suggested Tusker House and Yak and Yeti as not only park favorites but favorites of all time.

If your kids love Pooh, then you will HAVE to do Crystal Palace along Main Street of Magic Kingdom.  The venue is pretty but the buffet left me frustrated.  I felt sure we would miss the characters if we went for more salad, so we sat planted at our seats...starving and impatient.  However, my kids are still young and love those characters, so we are going again!

Oh!  And every book, website, and many friends rave about Peco's Bills in Frontier Land of Magic Kingdom.  Its quick service taco fare.

Hope this helps you all as you plan and dream!    NEXT....we pick apart Magic Kingdom and the FAVORITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Magical Journey, Part 3 "Disney Dining"

So far, we've discussed when to go and where to stay.  NOW EVERYBODY ON SPACE MOUNTAIN, WOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Hold your horses, space cowboy.

Before you get into the fun of planning which parks and which rides to visit, you need to consider your dining options.  Why?  Because any sit down dining place in Disney requires advanced reservations.

If you want to do Cinderella's Table, located in Cinderella's Castle, you need to book it months in advance.  In your mind, you may want to go to Magic Kingdom on a Thursday.  However, Cinderella's Table is only available for breakfast on a Tuesday.  That pretty much determines your park schedule.

Lets break this down to make it easy for you.

1. Dining Plan vs. No Dining Plan

The Dining Plan is a Disney offering that allows you to purchase all your meals ahead of time in one lump sum.  Typically, it saves you about 20%  on your total food budget.  One of the most common questions I get is, "Should I do the Dining Plan?"  First, consider these questions.

Are you staying on Disney Property?

The Dining Plan is only offered to folks staying in one of Disney's hotels.  So...there you go.  HOWEVER, every Fall and Spring Disney offers Free Dining Plan.  It might actually save you money to spend more on your hotel and get all your meals for free!

How old are your kids?

If you are staying on Disney Property , the Dining plan is offered for everyone 3 years and older listed in your package per night of your stay.  If your child is younger than that, do the Dining Plan! When my son Caleb was only 2, we didn't have to pay for his Dining Plan.  The meals were big enough that he could just eat off of his 4 year old sister's plate and it saved us tons.

HOWEVER, once Caleb was 3, we tried to not do the Dining Plan.  We thought we could just have everyone split meals instead of being forced to essentially pay for 4 meals every single time.  This did not work out.  You just don't realize how many times you eat at Disney!  All the Mickey Premium bars just to keep a crying child happy or sips of Coke to wake them up enough to hug Cinderella...they all cost.  In our fear of spending a large lump sum of money up front, we ended up nickel and dim-ing ourselves to death and spending even more.  Not. Cool.

Do the Dining Plans meet your family's needs?

There are three types of plans on Disney's Site.

The Quick Service Plan includes 2 quick service (fast food-style eateries) meals, 1 snack per person per night of your stay, plus 1 refillable beverage mug per person to use during your trip. 

Typical Child's Quick Service Meal
The Deluxe Plan is the typical plan.  It includes 1 quick service, 1 sit down (reservations must be made prior to your visit), 2 snacks, plus 1 refillable mug.

The Premium Plan includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus 2 snacks and the refillable mug.

We do the Deluxe Plan, which costs our family of four $932 for 7 nights.  Don't. freak. out.

Go on Disney's site and search for a couple quick-service and sit down restaurant's prices...its actually a good deal.

We like the Deluxe because we eat a light breakfast that we can make in our room or buy fairly cheaply.  We then are too antsy two sit through 3 sit-down meals when we could be riding rides but also need to force ourselves to take a break once a day for a nice meal in a (semi-)calm and air conditioned environment.

Edit:  Yesterday, I noticed a plan called Magic Your Way Package Plus Dining, which offers 1 quick service, 1 sit down and 1 snack per day.  My friend, Sarah, also brought it to my attention, because they always had too many snack credits left over and couldn't use them all.  I have never seen that before, but its definitely there if you go to actually book a package.

Do you want to do Character Dining?

Meet Pooh and friends at The Crystal Palace
If you want to have a sit down meal where your kids can meet Mickey and friends, Pooh and friends, or Cinderella and friends, then a Dining Plan might be a good choice.  These meals cost more than the normal sit down meals at Disney.  We have never been able to do Cinderella's Table (which books up VERY quickly and requires reservations 30-180 days in advance, depending on when you go).  It was important to me on this trip but to pay cash would be $200!  Now, it DOES require TWO of our sit down meals per person, because its extra special, but we'd gladly grab a burger for much cheaper on a different night and have that special experience through our Dining Plan.

Do you want to be counting pennies in The Happiest Place on Earth?

In these hard economic times, this seems very trite, but guess what?  You are going on a trip to Disney during these hard economic times, so you must be at least somewhat willing to spend a little money.  Here's the thing...Disney is very special.   But every bad thing is magnified in Disney.  So what if my daughter has the stomach flu here at home?  But once she had the stomach flu IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH!!  See how that seems tragic?

So, do you really want to have a melt down with your spouse over if you should buy your children popsicles in Fantasyland?   HOW COULD HE ARGUE WITH YOU IN THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH!!!

I swear, I have almost served my husband with papers more times in THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH than anywhere else.

With the Dining Plan, you just present your "Key to the World" card to the cashier or waiter.  Each person in your group is issued a "Key to the World" that has all your info and each person's allottment of meals, snacks, etc.  Use them like debit cards.  You can even just use one person's card until it runs out and then start using someone else's.  So easy.

For us, anyway, the Dining Plan is one less stresser while in the parks.  I am sure there was a shorter and more normal way to tell you that.

Sigh...Okay...I've only gotten through the first point.  I really want to guide you through some of the restaurant choices, but maybe I'll make a Top Ten tomorrow and give you all a break!

Again, this is alot of info!  PLEASE contact me if you have more questions.  Tonight, I'll come up with a top ten for you, I promise!

As they say at Disney..."Have a Magical Day"!