Friday, June 29, 2012


Oh, how I love the Olympics!!!

I love the sound of Bob Costas's voice.  I love the Opening Ceremonies.

I love that, every 2 years, I think "America" is going to be one of the first countries in the Parade of Nations and then I realize that its the "United States of America" and I grab some magazines to entertain me until 12:30am.

I love that there is ALWAYS some story that makes the entire world cry.  That little gymnast, Carrie, that hurt her foot but stuck her landing for the gold.  Or, some runner falling but another runner giving up his chance at a medal to help him cross the finish line.  <SOB!!!> 

I love that we go into the games with no knowledge of the contenders but that, within 2 weeks, they are celebrities and kind of our friends.

I love how I have spent a total of 20 minutes of my life on a diving board...most of it crying that I can't jump before I take the walk of shame back to safety (last summer was a tough summer, okay)...and YET, within 2 weeks I'm saying things like, "Oh, she hardly made any splash! Excellent."  or "Tsk, tsk, he is going to get a deduction for that sloppy pike position."

In 1984, when I was 5 years old, I was totally enthralled with this lady...

My sister and I totally had that leotard.  I think my sister wore it for an entire year.  I suddenly begged my mom for Wheaties and even took gymnastics for a couple years after that.  That endeavor went the same way as my diving career.

I love how, although Coke is the official sponsor of the Olympics, we all know that those little Goody barrettes are the unsung hero of Gymnastics.

This girl obviously held back on the Goodys...maybe she was throwing off extra weight for the Uneven Bars, I don't know. 

I also think, every year, that they do the measurements wrong for those leotards.  Doesn't it seem like they are just an1/8 of an inch too short from top to bottom? 

Can those poor girls stand up straight in those things without giving themselves a crotch wedgie??  It makes me uncomfortable every year.  Almost as uncomfortable as typing the word "crotch" in my own blog. 

Crotch wedgie or no crotch wedgie,  I am counting the days until the Olympics.   I love the back stories!  I love the historic pieces about the host nation.  I love learning about exotic, far flung locations like...London.


 Daaaah Daaaah da da da da da.  Daaah da da da DAH da da diddy da da DAAAAAAAAAAH.

Come on, you all know exactly what that sounds like. 

1 comment:

  1. You described my thoughts perfectly!
    I was just watching the Olympic swimming trials and thinking . . .I could listen to Bob Costas talk all day long!

