Thursday, September 15, 2011

First Post

This is getting your picture "made", in my mind
Welcome to Yankee Peach!  I'm a Yankee, navigating the charming and complicated world below the Mason-Dixon line.  Why I have to navigate a place that is technically still in my country of birth, I have no idea.  What I do know, is that my library has a genre section called "Southern".   That I now know what the term "Pillowcase Dress" means...and that I like them.  That I get my picture "made", not taken.  That I have to apologize most of the time for humor that, back home, was probably considered mild but comes across slightly acidic when mixed with sweet tea. That the only people who care about the Mason-Dixon line are the ones who live below it. That the people are polite but distant for a little while, but then before you know it, you can't go anywhere without getting a big hug and your heart blessed.  Oh...I also learned that getting your heart blessed is not always a good thing, but the hugs are still nice.

However, this blog is not about The South.  I am a successful Yankee Peach because I observe.  I try to handle my alien encounters with a sense of humor and a lesson learned.  Sounds like a sitcom, doesn't it?  Don't worry, keep coming back here, and you will learn my theories about sitcoms and life.

Everyone has a blog.  I'm late to the party.  Everything I read said that my blog name should be catchy and state my intent as a blogger.  I failed...bless my heart...but here is what you will NOT find on my blog.

1.  Poems that I have written myself
2.  Wistfulness
3.  Helpful tips on saving money, cleaning your home, raising your children, recycling, filing your insurance claims, being a better friend.  I stink at all those things. 
4.  Posts about how awesome I am in a veiled attempt to make you think how awesome you aren't
5.  More than 30% negativity

There!  That should rope everyone in and keeping you begging for more!


  1. Love it Sara! Hopefully I can follow it... I am not sure how I become a follower.

  2. Yay! Let's get this party started!

  3. Well my party hasn't started yet either, but I'll gladly join yours!!
