Friday, October 7, 2011

Things I Love

Seeing as how Yankee Peach is averaging between 30 and 60 page views per day, I figure that puts me on par with Oprah, as far as global impact.

SO!  Today is my first in a series that will cause tsunami-like waves of change called, "Things I Love".

First up.  Chai Tea.  Or, actually, Chai Latte. 

I really don't like coffee.  I don't like the taste, but even with lots of things loaded in, it makes my stomach feel like I drank paint thinner.  No amount of caramel spiced macchiato whipped soy frappe syrup with sprinkles can hide the paint thinner affect. 

But I neeeeeeeeeeeeeed the caffeine soooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaadly.

Then, my beautiful cousin, Jenny, suggested I try a Chai Latte..

Oh my goodness!!!  Its a beautiful thing.  Its like a spicey hot chocolate, minus the chocolate.  And its caffeinated, Lord bless it! 

I was instantly addicted.  No!  That's not true.  It was never an addiction.  It was an instant mutual affection that led to a lifelong commitment by both parties.  And the passion has not died, folks.

Well, for a little while there, "life" got in the way.  "Life" being that pesky husband who didn't like playing 3rd wheel to my Latte and paying (literally) heavily for it.  Those Chai's cost a fortune and I was getting 3-4 (or 5....or 7) a week!  I had to part ways.

Well, that same genius cousin who introduced me to my Love, also saved the relationship.  She had a box of Chai concentrate by Tazo in her cupboard.

"Wow," I said, "Must be nice to be able to afford that!  Its like 5 bucks in the store!"  (Have I ever mentioned that I sometimes say brazenly awkward things and that I am cheap?)

"Sara", said my super smart cousin who can do simple math for me when I need her to, "You spend $4 every time you get a chai at Starbucks, which you say you'll only do once a week but you always break down and get several times!  You'd be saving yourself tons of money!"

So, in truth, the actual Thing I Love is this:

This baby lasts me an entire week for $4. 

The directions are simple:

1.  Fill a microwaveable mug half full with milk
2.  Fill it the other half of the way with Tazo...maybe 1/4 of the way, depending on how strong you like it
3.  Microwave for 1 minute, 35 seconds...just trust me on that
4.  Stir
5.  Mentally detach yourself from the world around you as your mind achieves levels of nirvana not known since Ghandi ate his first grilled salmon after his 4 year fast, or however long he, um ...I don't know that much about Ghandi...but enjoy your chai!

Chai latte is a fantastic substitute for those who aren't 100% in love with coffee.  You get in a serving of calcium, its only 70 calories per serving, and apparently its Kosher...who knew?...and its the exact same stuff they use for the Chai's at Starbucks!

You can get the boxed Chai at fancy stores like Whole Foods OR at Kroger, Publix, and even Walmart in the coffee aisle.  OR, if you all look under your chairs you'll find a FREE box of CHAAAAAAAIIIIIIIII!!!!

Shoot.  That's not true.  Stupid Oprah.  Maybe when I get to 100 hits per day...


  1. You can get a whole bunch of boxes at Costco for an even more reasonable price per box... I'll give you a minute to process... I know this might send you over the edge :)

  2. Our nearest Costco is like 30 minutes away...however, a monthly Chai run may be worth it!

  3. I don't like coffee either, so I might have to give this Chai a try!!

  4. Sara, I have a Costco card so we can go explore one day! However, I had chris look a couple months back and he could not find it! Is it in a special section?
